Name:Bai Qiang
Position:Deputy Dean of CDIC
Division of Administration Work:Assist the dean in charge of teaching work, student status management, degree awarding, and foreign affairs. In charge of the Teaching and Academic AffairsDepartment.
Office location:WH1510, 5th Floor, Hongyuan Building, Weishui Campus, Chang'anUniversity
E-mail: qiang.bai@chd.edu.cn
Bai Qiang, Ph.D., associate professor, doctoralresearchsupervisor, candidate of the Hundred Young Talents Program of Shaanxi Province, young Chang'an Scholar of Chang'an University. In 2003 and 2006, he graduated from Chang'an University with a bachelor's degree in transportation engineering and a master's degree in transportation planning and management. In 2012, he received a PhD degree in Civil Engineering (Traffic Engineering) from Purdue University. The doctoral dissertation won the Wootan Award for the 2012 CUTC Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award in the United States. From 2006 to 2007, he worked as a traffic investment account manager at the Hubei branch of the China Development Bank; from 2013 to 2015, he worked as a traffic consulting engineer at Jacobs (CH2M Hill), an American international engineering consulting company. The research direction is transportation asset management and transportation planning. Since 2015, he has presided over 4 vertical topics and multiple horizontal topics including the National Key Special Projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province, and the Civil Aviation Administration of China.He hadpublished more than 20 academic papers in SCIjournals.
(1)Bai, Q., Miralinaghi, M., Labi, S., Li, Z., and Sinha K.C. (2020). Methodology for Analyzing the Trade-offs Associated withMulti-objective Optimization in Transportation AssetManagementunder Uncertainty.Computer-Aided Civil and InfrastructureEngineering,forthcoming.
(2)Zheng, Y., Bai, Q., Chen, L., and Agbelie, B. (2019)Acase study of performance-based pavement maintenance and rehabilitation needs assessment in Pennsylvania, Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 35(2).242-251.
(3)Yang, L., Wang, Y., Bai, Q., and Han, S. (2018). Urban Form and Travel Patterns by Commuters: Comparative Case Study of Wuhan and Xi'an, China.Journal of Urban Planning and Development,144(1),2018.
(4)Bai.Q.,AhmedA.,LabiS.,andSinha.C..(2017)Traffic volume benchmarks for major arterial widening versus expresswayconstruction: exploratoryapproach.Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A:Systems, 143(8).pp.2873-2881
(5)Li, D., Zhao Y., Bai, Q., Zhou, B. (2017)Analyzing injury severity of bus passengers with differentmovements.Traffic InjuryPrevention, 18(5),528-532.
(6)Li, D., Ranjitkar, P., Zhao Y., Bai, Q., Chen, X. (2017)Improving motorway performance using variable speedlimits.Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers –Transport.170(6), 338-345.
(7)Bai, Q., Ahmed, A., Li, Z., and Labi, S. (2015).A hybrid Pareto Frontier generation method for trade-off analysis in transportation assetmanagement.Computer-Aided Civil and InfrastructureEngineering, 30(3), pp. 163-180.
(8)Ahmed,A.,Bai,Q.; Lavrenz,S.,Labi,S. (2014).Estimating the Marginal Cost of Pavement Damage by Highway Users on the basis of Practical Schedules for Maintenance, Rehabilitation, andReconstruction.Structure and InfrastructureEngineering,11(8),pp.1069-1082.
(9)Bai, Q., Labi, S., Sinha, K.C., and Thompson, P.D.(2013) Multi-objective optimization for project selection in network-level bridge management incorporating decision makers’ preference using the concept of holism.ASCE Journal of BridgeEngineering.18(9).pp.879-889.
(10)Zhang, Z;Bai,Q.,Labi,S.,andSinha,K.C.(2013). AGeneral Framework for Evaluating Long-Term Leasing of Toll Roads: Case Study of IndianaI-90.Transportation ResearchRecord2345, pp.83-91.
(11)Bai, Q., Labi, S., Sinha, K.C., and Thompson, P.D.(2013) Bridge user cost estimation – a synthesis of existing methods and addressing the issues of multiple counting, workzones, and traffic capacity limitation.Structure and InfrastructureEngineering, 9(9), pp.849-859.
(12)Cope, A., Bai, Q., Samdariya, A., and Labi, S.(2013) Assessing the efficacy of stainless steel for bridge deck reinforcement under uncertainty using Monte Carlo simulation.Structure and InfrastructureEngineering, 9(7), pp.634-647.
(13)Ahmed, A., Bai, Q., and Labi, S.(2013) Pavement damage cost estimation: a synthesis of past research.Transport, 168(1), pp48-58.
(14)Bai, Q., Labi, S., and Sinha, K.C. (2012) Trade-off analysis for multiobjective optimization in transportation asset management by generating Pareto frontiers using Extreme Points Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II.ASCE Journal of TransportationEngineering, 138(6), pp.798-808.
(15)Irfan, M., Khurshid, M.B., Bai, Q., Morin, T.L., and Labi, S. (2012) Establishing optimal project-level strategies for pavement maintenance and rehabilitation – a framework and case study.Engineering Optimization,44(5),pp.565-589.