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CDIC held the 2019-2020 academic year performance analysis meeting for Civil Engineering Infrastructure major


On the evening of October 14, 2020, CDIC held a 2019-2020 academic year performance analysis meeting for theCivilEngineeringInfrastructuremajor in the WH1509 classroom of the Hongyuan Building. The meeting was presided over by Jia Jieyu, director of theAcademic AffairsOffice. The main purpose of this meeting is to summarize the performance of the previous schoolyear.

JiaJieyufirst gave an overall overview of the 2019-2020 academic year results of Civil Engineering Infrastructuremajor.

Later, sheused specific data to introduce in detailabout thestart of theautumnsemester and spring semester of the 2019-2020 school year and the distribution of eachsubject’sgrade, and praised thestudentswho gottop 10% of the weighted average scores and encouraged other students to continuetostudy hard. She interpreted the key points of student status management at Chang'an University and the University College Dublin, reminded students that they should pay attention to every exam, and emphasized the review process. She also told the students that CDIC set up a deanmailboxin order to provide direct and efficient communication channels forstudents.

In the end, she expressed the hope that through this meeting, the students could know their shortcomings, find thereasons,andimprove their learning methods,so they canlay a solid foundation for subsequentlearning.
