On the afternoon of September 6, 2020, Vice President Liang Mou of Hainan University and his entourage inspected the infrastructure construction of CDIC. Zhu Jiejun (Vice President of Chang'an University), Fan Wen (Vice President), the infrastructure department of Chang’an University and relevant administrations of CDIC accompanied their inspection.
Visiting CDIC’s infrastructure
Liang Mou first congratulated the establishment of the CDIC. He highly praised Chang'an University for providing advanced modern teaching facilities for Sino-foreign cooperative education.
Visiting CDIC’s teaching area
Yao Yiliang, Deputy Dean of CDIC, extended a warm welcome to the visit of Vice President Liang Mou. He gave a detailed introduction on the infrastructure construction of CDIC, the teaching staff of CDIC, the ideas for college running, and the superior resources of CDIC.
Group photo