
姓名:柏 强


姓 名:柏强

职 务:学院副院长



邮 箱:qiang.bai@chd.edu.cn

电 话:029-61106808

柏强,博士,教授,博士生导师,长安大学青年“长安学者”。2003年和2006年分别毕业于长安大学交通工程本科专业和交通运输规划与管理硕士专业。2012年获美国普渡大学(Purdue University)土木工程专业(交通工程方向)博士学位。博士毕业论文获得2012年度美国CUTC优秀博士毕业论文奖Wootan Award。 2006年至2007年在国家开发银行湖北省分行担任交通投资客户经理;2013年至2015年在美国国际工程咨询公司Jacobs(CH2M Hill)担任交通咨询工程师。研究方向为交通资产管理和交通规划。2015年以来先后主持科技部国家重点专项子课题、国家自然科学基金、陕西省自然科学基金、民用航空局项目等4项纵向课题与多项横向课题,在Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering等高水平SCI期刊发表学术论文20余篇。


(1) Bai, Q., Miralinaghi, M., Labi, S., Li, Z., and Sinha K.C. (2020). Methodology for Analyzing the Trade-offs Associated withMulti-objective Optimization in Transportation Asset Management under Uncertainty.Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, forthcoming.

(2) Zheng, Y., Bai, Q., Chen, L., and Agbelie, B. (2019)A case study of performance-based pavement maintenance and rehabilitation needs assessment in Pennsylvania, Journal of Southeast University (English Edition), 35(2).242-251.

(3) Yang, L., Wang, Y., Bai, Q., and Han, S. (2018). Urban Form and Travel Patterns by Commuters: Comparative Case Study of Wuhan and Xi'an, China.Journal of Urban Planning and Development,144(1), 2018.

(4) Bai. Q., Ahmed A., Labi S., and Sinha.C..(2017)Traffic volume benchmarks for major arterial widening versus expressway construction: exploratory approach. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 143(8).pp.2873-2881

(5) Li, D., Zhao Y., Bai, Q., Zhou, B. (2017)Analyzing injury severity of bus passengers with different movements.Traffic Injury Prevention, 18(5), 528-532.

(6) Li, D., Ranjitkar, P., Zhao Y., Bai, Q., Chen, X. (2017)Improving motorway performance using variable speed limits.Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Transport. 170(6), 338-345.

(7) Bai, Q., Ahmed, A., Li, Z., and Labi, S. (2015).A hybrid Pareto Frontier generation method for trade-off analysis in transportation asset management.Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 30(3), pp. 163-180.

(8) Ahmed, A., Bai, Q.; Lavrenz, S., Labi, S. (2014).Estimating the Marginal Cost of Pavement Damage by Highway Users on the basis of Practical Schedules for Maintenance, Rehabilitation, and Reconstruction.Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 11(8), pp.1069-1082.

(9) Bai, Q., Labi, S., Sinha, K.C., and Thompson, P.D. (2013) Multi-objective optimization for project selection in network-level bridge management incorporating decision makers’ preference using the concept of holism.ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering. 18(9). pp. 879-889.

(10) Zhang, Z; Bai, Q., Labi, S., and Sinha, K.C. (2013). AGeneral Framework for Evaluating Long-Term Leasing of Toll Roads: Case Study of Indiana I-90.Transportation Research Record 2345, pp. 83-91.

(11) Bai, Q., Labi, S., Sinha, K.C., and Thompson, P.D. (2013) Bridge user cost estimation – a synthesis of existing methods and addressing the issues of multiple counting, workzones, and traffic capacity limitation.Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 9(9), pp.849-859.

(12) Cope, A., Bai, Q., Samdariya, A., and Labi, S. (2013) Assessing the efficacy of stainless steel for bridge deck reinforcement under uncertainty using Monte Carlo simulation.Structure and InfrastructureEngineering, 9(7), pp.634-647.

(13) Ahmed, A., Bai, Q., and Labi, S. (2013) Pavement damage cost estimation: a synthesis of past research.Transport, 168(1), pp 48-58.

(14) Bai, Q., Labi, S., and Sinha, K.C. (2012) Trade-off analysis for multiobjective optimization in transportation asset management by generating Pareto frontiers using Extreme Points Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II.ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 138(6), pp. 798-808.

(15) Irfan, M., Khurshid, M.B., Bai, Q., Morin, T.L., and Labi, S. (2012) Establishing optimal project-level strategies for pavement maintenance and rehabilitation – a framework and case study.Engineering Optimization,44(5), pp. 565-589.