Ireland, located in the south central part of Ireland Island inthe Western Europe, is a beautiful island country with 5millionpopulation.Being moistened by the warm current, thepeculiar crescentshapelandform was formed. Thesheercliffs,the graceful beach, theintricate rock caves and diverse floras endowthe islandwith abundantnatural wealth,whichgives Irelandthe reputation of Emerald Island Country.Starting with thescenes in theclassic films,this article willshow you the majestic views in the Emerald Island.
Saving Private Ryan—Curracloebeach

InSaving Private Ryan,the scene of Normandy Landing War,the climax of the film was shot on theCurracloe Beach in Ireland, where the seven miles long beach is famous forthesoft andexquisitesand and is in a sharp contrast withtherocky beaches around Ireland. The wide range ofsand dunes on the beach areallcovered bythe seemingly endless Malaya grass,providing countless fun forthe tourists.


InStar Wars: The Force Awakens,the scene thatRay goes to aremoteplanet to find Luke the Skywalker was shot in the Skellig Michael Island of Ireland. Situated eight miles away fromtheBallinskelligs Bayonthe tip of Iveragh Peninsula, the island is one of the mostmysteriousand remote sites ofthe wholeEurope.This island stands on an ancient pilgrimage route thatpasses through western Ireland, France, Italy and Greece, and then arriving at Mount Carmel in Palestine. It is a holy place in the west. The small cluster of six ‘beehive’ huts, two oratories and small terracesin the film are locatedon a steep slope with an altitude of 714 feet, whichtakes 600 stone steps to reach.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince –Cliffs of Moher

InHarry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,Harryand Dumbledore embark onthe dangerous journey to find outthe reasonswhy Voldemort cannot be destroyed. Theyflyfromahuge rock to an isolated cave on the Moher cliff. This famous Moher Cliff is the highestcliffin Europe andhas beenlisted as the "New Seven Wonders of the World". Moher Cliff is located in the suburb of Galway and is one of the most famous tourist attractions in West Ireland. Facing the vast Atlantic Ocean,the cliffis famous forbeing particularly precipitous.As though being cut by axes, the dense layers are embedded among thecliffs, as ifitwas an ancient books.A dilapidated old castle next tothe cliff stands like adecayingknight with unswerving determination. When the sun sets at thevast Atlantic Ocean, there are romanticgoldenwaves beaming above.

Game of Thrones -- Tollymore Forest Park

TheGame of Throneshas been widely praisedfor the thought-provoking stories and fairyland-like scenes. Manyof them were takenfrom Ireland. Walking along the Shimna River,there are manystrange scenes such as the naturalorartificial rocks, outcrops, bridges,andcaves.The combination of these elements makes the Tollymore Forest Park like a fairyland.Apart from the natural sceneriesalong the way, 16 ancient bridges withvariousstylesmake the park even more charming.
《勇敢的心》— 特里姆城堡
Braveheart — Trim Castle

Many scenesinthe filmBraveheartaretakenfrom Ireland.TheTrime Castle has always been the largest and most important castle in Ireland in the past hundreds of years.The castle used to bethe residence oftheAnglo Normans where they monitored the local residents and tookanymeasures to preventpeoplefrom entering the castle. The central fortressinthe castle, a huge three-storey fortress, was built on theruinsof anvintagewooden fortress in 1176. This huge tower with20 sides is in the shape of a cross,beingprotected by ditches, curtain walls and moats. As a model of an impregnable castle, Trim Castleis equipped with solid granite exterior walls, secret gun holes as if in slits, and the strongest places in the castle - rugged steps, making italmost impossibleforintrusion.

Webelieve that manyof youhaveamazed by the magnificence of these classic scenes ae the lens always capture the finestsceneries and store the most shocking stories.Hopetoday’s sharingcouldbringyou novelvisions, and wish you would encountermoreloveliness in life andcreate more worthymemories inthefuture.